Prep to Grade 6
Our aim is always to provide a P–12 learning environment that is safe, caring, stimulating and promotes the individual learning needs of each student.
Our bushland/coastal setting is unique and enables us to provide a wealth of curriculum opportunities.
We have a strong sense of community which allows us to work together to achieve maximum benefits for our students.
Year 7 and 8
Teaching and Learning Programs.
Our aim is to deliver improved learning outcomes for every student by, rigorous teaching of literacy and numeracy, inquiry-based learning and integrated ICT rich curriculum.
We are fostering cooperative, collaborative learning environments, as we know that students learn best in this way. As such teams of teachers have been formed to work together to develop curriculum, share resources and to collectively reflect on their practice.
Year 9 and 10
Students in Year 9 and 10 undertake four core subjects for the year: English, Maths, Science and Humanities. Students are then offered two elective units each semester.
Year 9 students will also undertake the ‘Advance’ program one day per week. This program has a strong focus on connecting with the natural environment and outdoor education.
The Year 9 and 10 subjects offerings are academically rigorous and designed to support students on their pathway to senior schooling.
Year 11 and 12
Students entering Year 11 and 12 will be following a pathway through VCE or VCAL. There is a strong focus on students pursuing subjects that will assist them to transition into life beyond secondary schooling – university, TAFE, apprenticeships, traineeships or the workforce.
Lorne P–12 College has a history of strong academic results at VCE and an exceptionally high rate of students receiving first round offers at the university programs of their choosing. We maintain a broad choice of subject offerings and facilitate much smaller class sizes than neighbouring schools.
Our VCAL program is noted as being an exemplar in the state and we are the proud recipients of multiple VCAL awards. Our VCAL students enjoy support from the wider community, industry and vocational training sector.
The outstanding results of Lorne P–12 College senior students are a testament to the high level of expertise of our teachers and the individual support and guidance we offer our young people.
If you would like further information about our curriculum or copies of the latest handbooks, please contact the college.
Respect – Cooperation – Personal Best
Lorne P-12 College is located in Lorne, Victoria. Our bushland/coastal setting is unique and enables us to provide a wealth of curriculum opportunities.
The aim of the College is to provide programs, within a supportive environment, that teach and facilitate the development of knowledge, skills and values.
Our College will assist and encourage students of all abilities to reach their full potential, equipping them to become positive members of our society.