Student Voice & Agency
At Lorne P-12 College we work to empower our students and create a sense of school pride by ensuring our young people have the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas about all aspects of school life.
By supporting students to become invested in their own learning, they gain an understanding of what good learning is and the purpose of it. They are able to evaluate their own work, discuss progress and celebrate achievement.
Our students learn in a school environment that actively encourages them to engage with their teachers and work as co-designers of curriculum. When students have a clear understanding of what is to be learned, they can move through a learning continuum and share their new skills and knowledge in a way that they find most engaging.
We encourage student leadership throughout all levels of the college and have a very active Student Representative Council. We provide opportunities for students to collaborate and make decisions with staff and our parent club around resources and facilities that will best meet their learning needs.
Our teachers and school leaders actively seek student feedback at different times throughout the year to ensure our students feel valued and appreciated. We are committed to student voice, agency and leadership and see it as a core measure of success of our college.
Please visit our Policies page to view our Student Engagement Policy