Our College is located in Lorne., Victoria, Australia. Our total enrolment is 341.
We have 24 equivalent full time teaching staff, including 2 Principal Class Officers,
39 teachers both full and part-time and 21 Education Support staff, both full and part-time.
Over the last four years, the College has increased enrolments by some 60 students
mainly in the secondary campus.
The aim of the College is to provide programs, within a supportive environment,
that teach and facilitate the development of knowledge, skills and values.
We encourage students to have a go, do their best, help others and be fair to everyone. Some important qualities we value are:
Respect and consideration for others.
Courtesy, friendliness and kindness to others.
Cooperation, endeavour and honesty.
Our College will assist and encourage students of all abilities to reach their full potential,
equipping them to become positive members of our society.
Our College operates in a climate where we strongly
encourage the shared ownership of student success and provide many
opportunities for staff, parents and students to have input into our school.
The College Council is committed to the well-being and development of our College.
We have a strong environmental and sustainability focus across the College.